text color of blue or navy blue lost on reload

  • If you set the text color to either blue or navy blue using the toolbar, the color reverts back to black when saved and reloaded (SaveToFile, LoadFromFile). Other colors seems to work fine (I didn't check them all however).

    WPTools 5.19.1


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Please check the unit WPIOReadRTF

    It should use this code:

    Please check if (last_red = 0) and (last_green = 0) is there


  • Yes, last_red and last_green was there, but Value=0 was not.

    This is what was there:
    (last_red=0) and (last_green=0) and (last_red=0) then

    Note that last_red was in there twice.

    As in your reply, changed it to:

    (last_red=0) and (last_green=0) and (Value=0) then

    and that fixed it... thanks!