Setting margins before printing

  • Sorry, I want to change the default page size. This is measurein "TWPS", but how to convert to inches?
    Also, Can I set the ruller right size, befor loading the rtfdata?
    At this time, the ruller shows at the left edge of the wprtfedit component.
    I want to force the ruller to show a right margin at 7.5 inches.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    >>Sorry, I want to change the default page size. This is measurein "TWPS", but how to convert to inches? <<

    twips := Round( inch * 1440 );

    >>Also, Can I set the ruller right size, befor loading the rtfdata?

    That would only make sense if you use the format option:


    it will be preserved.

    I recommend to set the Page size in the OnClear event.

    Alternativey you can set the props Header.Default ... (see object inspector)

    >>At this time, the ruller shows at the left edge of the wprtfedit component.
    I want to force the ruller to show a right margin at 7.5 inches.<<

    In normal mode the ruler is at the very left edge. You can use the property XOffset to indent it a bit. In layout mode the ruler position is controlled by the left margin.
