WPSpell addfromfile (DCT)

  • I found this.
    Simply wpspellcontroller1.addfromfile(string);
    Thank youi

    How can I call the funcion addfromfille('ENGLISH.DCT');
    from the on show event of my Notes Form?
    I have a wpspellcontroller on the form, But I get 'undeclared identifier'.
    I want to force the english.DCT and MEDTerm.DCT dictionaries but no let the user change.
    I have set the INIFilePath anhd Initioal Diredtory to location of dictionaries.
    I have also set PersistencyMode to qpNopersistency.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Please make sure the spell compiler is really named "wpspellcontroller1", otherwise ypou get the compiler error.

    The method AddFromFile requires a fully qualified path, such as
    AddFromFile( ExtractFilePath(Application.EXEName) + 'ENGLISH.DCT');

    AddFromPath(path: string) will add all *.DCT files in a given directory.
