Problems with WPTools Output

  • I am having some problems with WPT outputting files in RTF, HTML and Text. I send this email about a month ago but have not heard anything so I am resending it.

    Basically here are the problems I am having

    (None) - I am just including them for an example of how the output should look

    (None) these are the source files

    - Table Concatenation

    - Image Alignment - Image is being aligned all the way to the right, so if bring the file up in word and print it, the image is being cut off
    - Bullet 1/2 Alignment

    - Title/Subtitle Alignment
    - Bullet 1/2 Wrong/Indistinguishable
    - Fields Not Underlined

    Thank You,
    Bern Rudisill

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    You may mail me a WPT file and I try the export to HTML and RTF - RTF should be WYSIWYG - except for features RTF/Word does not support - such as Align to right/left images.

    The underlining of fields is just a visual effect which is cutomized in the property AutomaticTextAttr - the HTML expirt will not reflect that setting. Only PDF can do.

    TXT does not really support tables so I cannot help here.


  • I don't quite understand why you say word does not support Right/Left align images? We use this feature in word everyday and save as rtf. Having the images aligned correctly is very important to us.

    HTML - Underlined fields are not extremely important to us but having it use the correct bullets is very important.

    Text - I fully understand.

    If you could give me an update would be great as we are dead in the water until this is taken care of.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I got your e-mail this time (none a month ago, probably was sent to which does not accept attachments)

    The bullet indenting in RTF is wrong since there are some hard indent definitions in the text.

    I would recommend to remove them since you do everything with styles:

    par := FirstPar;
    while par<>nil do
    par :=;

    I implemented a change to make Word display the movable images correctly. What I meant were the automatically positioned images which you do not use.


  • First off I would like to say thank you for your help:

    1) How would I prevent the hard indent definitions from being in the text from the start?

    2) When will you have the change posted?

    3) Any status on having the correct bullets in HTML?

    Thanks and I love your product.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    1) I have added a define DONT_LOAD_LI_INDENTS to unit WPIOHTML.PAS. If active the LI tag will not creates such properties when loading HTML

    2) 30 minutes

    3) Since it is not possible to specify font/char/color for UL items I have added 2 simple glkobale variables:

    var WPHTMLUL_ListImageURL_circle : string;
    WPHTMLUL_ListImageURL_bullet : string;

    If that variables are set to the url of a graphic file "bullet.png" for example, that will be written into the HTML file. I made a test with your file and it works very nicely. Simply took a screenshot of the small arrow you use.


  • Cool I look forward to downloading the new build.

    Instead of making the bullets list items why not make each one a paragraph then you can use the font and character for the bullet.

    Here is an example of this.
    If you would like I can email you the word doc and the RTF file.
    But basically we have the same styles set up in word we have in WPTools and just do a save as filtered HTML in word and it has the bullets correct.
    I am just thinking this might be a little cleaner then specifying an image, espically if you use more then 2 different bullets

  • Ok I downloaded and installed 5.20.2 and now the graphics in RTF are correct in word... thanks.

    But I still have a problem with the indentation of the bullets. I added the code you supplied but the bullets are still indented wrong.

    Also could you give me an example about what you are refering when you say "it woud be possible to preprocess the text in the editor and insert the number text in from of the paragraphs"


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    >>But I still have a problem with the indentation of the bullets. I added the code you supplied but the bullets are still indented wrong. <<

    I tried your example code and I get a pertty close display of the indents when loading the file in Word. Please note that the ruler displays after that code was executed all indent markers grayed out. They should not be blue (=defined)

    >>Also could you give me an example about what you are refering when you say "it woud be possible to preprocess the text in the editor and insert the number text in from of the paragraphs" <<

    On second though I strongly suggest to use the Image Picture feature I added (simply store a file xxx.gif and set its name in the global variable) since you otherwise have no indentation of the text.

    The insertion of the number text means: Insert a the number text using the correct character attributes at the beginning of all paragraphs which are using a numberstyle.

    Note the single line

    it uses WPCSS strings to read and write attributes. This is a speciality of the new WPTools 5 design: the style strings used by paragraph and number styles can be assigned to writing modes (and vice versa)


  • The main problem I have with using graphics for the LI bullets is that, believe it or not, some of our customers have HTML viewers in their applicaitons that do not support images, so our Export program strips all the images out of the HTML. This would therefor remove the bullets from the LI and then we are back to square 1. Hence the reason for wanting them as paragraphs inline.

    I will try the code you gave me and see if that fixes my problem.
