afsUserdefined used by ?

  • >I found in the deklaration of TAttr the EXTRA parameter with the
    >annotation that it is used for the second byte of Unicodes.
    >My question:
    >If I don't use unicodes in my documents (application) is it possible
    >to store some userdefined information, which is related to the
    >charactes in my document?
    >Or is this parameter used for any thing else?

    It is not used unless you use MemoryMode = fmRichTextUnicode. In a
    later version it will be used for charsets but also only optionally.
    You can use it.

    >Or is there an other way to store some Information (1 or 2 bytes would
    >be enough) related to the characters?
    >I also found the afsUserdefined style. Is this used by WPTools or is
    >it free for my own usage?

    It is used for a few things in wptools but usually this won't affect
    you. It is used for the RightToLeft support (which is optionally)