ParStylePaint Request

  • My Word Processor has a task pane similar to the one offered by MS Word (right hand side of screen). Like word, this can be used to display (and modify) the current style sheet. We use the ParStylePaint method to display the 'look' of each style - as you do with your TWPStyleDlg dialog.

    Unfortunately unlike MS Word, ParStylePaint does not print the associated Number style - so no bullets and no sample numbers. This makes it quite difficult to identify the style types.

    You have exactly the same issue with your WPMultiDemo word processor. If you create a bullet style, this is not reflected on the toolbar style combo box.

    I have tried to follow the code (through PaintSinglePar) to see if there is a 'quick fix', but don't have enough understanding to see where the issue arises.

    For us, this is an urgent issue.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    thanks for reporting this problem. Fortunately it is easy to fix in the PRO version. (file WPRTEPaint.PAS)

    In function TWPRTFEnginePaint.PaintSinglePar please insert one line:

        aPar.Reformat(true, r.Right - r.Left); 
        if NumberStyle<>nil then  aPar.number := 1; //<--- INSERT
        PaintRTFPage(0, r.Left, r.Top, ....

    Kind regards,

    Julian Ziersch