
  • Hi,

    i have recently made changes to the WPToolBar by adding the wpShowSpellCheckSetup and wpShowSpellAsYouGo everything works fine except when i click the button with the wpShowSpellCheckSetup command it just dosent exacute the setup dialog for Addict 3.4.5 the SpellAsYouGo works fine and the CheckSpelling works fine but not the wpShowSpellCheckSetup

    he are the changes i have made to implement the new buttons

    TWPTbIcon4 = (SelUndo, SelRedo, SelDeleteText, SelCopy, SelCut, SelPaste, SelSelAll, SelHideSel,
    SelFind, SelReplace, SelSpellCheck, SelSpellAsYouGo, SpellCheckSetup);


    TheButtonCount = 73;
    TheButtons: array[0..TheButtonCount] of TTbBtnSty =


    (n: 'WPI_SpellAsYouGo'; g: WPI_GR_Edit; c: WPI_CO_SpellAsYouGo; i: 'El'),
    (n: 'WPI_SPELLSETUP'; g: WPI_GR_Edit; c: WPI_CO_SpellCheckSetup; i: 'Em'), //<<not sure woot the last letters are but somthing was needed so i added my own


    { Style Icons }
    if SelSpellAsYouGo in fsIntIcons4 then
    AddStyle(WPI_GR_Edit, WPI_CO_SpellAsYouGo);
    if SelSpellCheckSetup in fsIntIcons4 then
    AddStyle(WPI_GR_Edit, WPI_CO_SpellCheckSetup);

    the button is firing as i can test it through the procedure

    WPToolBar1IconSelection(Sender: TObject;
    var Typ: TWpSelNr; const str: String; const group, num, index: Integer);

    it shows up fine here but just will not auto execute the Setup any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks
