Wpdf trial doesn't find its DLL

  • Hello all,

    I'm currently evaluating the trial of wpdf but nothing will work. I installed wpdf in the directory "d:\delphi\wpdf" and compiled and installed the package successfully in my BDS 2006.

    When I compile the "standalone" demo and start it, it throws the following exception:

    The dll "{hkcu}\Software\Wpcubed\wpdf\3.0\path" was not found.
    PDF Export is not possible.

    Using regedit, I verified that a valid path to the dll is present in the registry. Copying the dll into the directory where the executable is located didn't help either. Nor did copying the DLL to c:\windows.

    What can I do to test it?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Please use SetDLLName to specify the path exactly.

    Simply set the name 'wPDF300DEMO.dll'

    The demo tries to read the path from the registry which apparently didn't work due to protection. (The demo installer tries to set the registry key)



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von support (3. April 2007 um 08:11)