Graphics still missing

  • >I now found out that the graphics still do not work properly:
    >The images do look fine in the editor now, but after saving the RTF (using
    >the ToolBar save button) and opening the rtf file in MS Word, there are
    >no pics anywhere.
    >A similar problem I have with Header and Footer: in PrintParameter it is set
    >to wprNotOnFirstPage and in the original document it actually starts from
    >page two now. But after loading the saved file into Word, there is Header
    >and Footer on page one, too!
    >So, in both cases the saved version of the RTF is different from the version
    >in the Edit element.

    wprNotOnFirstPage is a wptools speciality - to have that effect in
    Word you need to create a header for the odd and even pages and not
    for ALL pages. (See property HeaderFooterTextRange which has to be
    executed BEFORE WordKonText is used. )

    For the pictures use property WriteObjectMode set to wobRTF