TextDynamic and DevExpress.Net

  • Hello,
    We are using WPTools for two years in our Win32 applications and we like it :)
    Now we are starting several .Net projects using VS2005 C# and DevExpress.Net componets sets.
    So we are looking for a good rtf/html editor.
    So there are several questions:
    1) What is your plans of future TextDynamic supporting and developing. Are you interesting in its future development?
    2) How widly TextDynamic supports Loading/saving to html?
    Is it possible to use it as HTML editor for emails?
    3) Is it possible to add support of Devexpress LookAndfeel styles? Its not a problem to rewrite different dialogs. I am speaking about scrollbars and other
    features inside document.
    4) Does TextDynamic supports loading of HTML in different codepages?

    Brgs Konstantin

    • Offizieller Beitrag



    1) What is your plans of future TextDynamic supporting and developing. Are you interesting in its future development?

    Definitely. TextDynamic is very sucessfull and also shares codes with the products wPDF,, WPTools and RTF2PDF. So improvements in all the methioned products will go into this product as well.


    2) How widly TextDynamic supports Loading/saving to html?
    Is it possible to use it as HTML editor for emails?

    TextDynamic will inherit the new HTML formatting routine which will be also in WPTools Version 6. This will allow it to display HTML in a very good quality (but no frames or layers). Currently always a translation/simplification of the HTML takes place which changes the format of newsletter style advertising letters.

    3) Is it possible to add support of Devexpress LookAndfeel styles? Its not a problem to rewrite different dialogs. I am speaking about scrollbars and other features inside document.

    I would not recommend to change scrollbar or ruler handling. But you can completely do without the internal toolbar and use your own.

    4) Does TextDynamic supports loading of HTML in different codepages?

    Like WPTools it detectes the codepage from the meta Content-Type tag. Optionally you can use the formatstring codepage=xxx.

    5) IS TextDynamic a thread safe?

    TextDynamic has been implemented as editor product and is as such not threadsave. We have the sister product RTF2PDF which is threadsave and offers almost the same API, esspecially for server processes, but of course has no user interface.


    Julian Ziersch

  • Thanks for the answer,
    pls comment ne more questions point by point:

    1) So, as I understand for documents multy threading server side processing (without user interface) it is suitable to use RTF2PDF which has the same document managment routines as TextDynamic.
    And at client side TextDynamic it self to allow users to view/edit.

    2) Could you pls clarify the next: The TextDynamic and wPDF are written 100% native .Net or they are a .Net wrapper for WIN32 WPTools.

    3) About scrollbar or ruler handling. As you understand that is impossible to use in a proffesional development the controls with different styles.
    So is it possible to add possibility to change the scrollbar and ruler appearance. As a begining - just to change the collor :)

    4) I already have a WPTools Premium TEAM License. Hope I could get some discount to TextDynamic and RTF2PDF. :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag



    1) So, as I understand for documents multy threading server side processing (without user interface) it is suitable to use RTF2PDF which has the same document managment routines as TextDynamic.
    And at client side TextDynamic it self to allow users to view/edit.

    Yes, it will work this way. For server side RTF processing there is a demo site online: http://www.rtf-net.com


    2) Could you pls clarify the next: The TextDynamic and wPDF are written 100% native .Net or they are a .Net wrapper for WIN32 WPTools.

    Tests have prooven that it would not be possible to provide the high performance and little memory consumption in 100% .NET - so TextDynamic is in fact using WPTools engine as windows 32 DLL - so TextDynamic is actually implemented as "wrapper" (similar to prominent competition btw).


    3) About scrollbar or ruler handling. As you understand that is impossible to use in a profesional development the controls with different styles. So is it possible to add possibility to change the scrollbar and ruler appearance. As a begining - just to change the color :)

    While it would be ppssible to change the color of the ruler, the scrollbar is controlled by windows and themed.


    4) I already have a WPTools Premium TEAM License. Hope I could get some discount to TextDynamic and RTF2PDF. :)
