Printing using PageList does not work

  • WPTools 5... why does this not print the pages specified by the user?

    DBWPRTAppendix.PrintParameter.PageRange := wprPageList;
    DBWPRTAppendix.PrintParameter.PageList := frmConPrintDialog.edFrom.Text + '-' + frmConPrintDialog.edTo.Text;

    It is very important we get this working.

    Also there use to be a PrintParameter.NumberOfCopies. What is the proper way of getting multiple page copies? Is it using Printer.Copies;?

  • Hmmm... it worked with:

    DBWPRTAppendix.Print(frmConPrintDialog.edFrom.Text + '-' + frmConPrintDialog.edTo.Text)

    Not sure why the PageRange and PageList properties exist if you just use parameters with the Print method.

    Could you provide clarification please?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    >>Not sure why the PageRange and PageList properties exist if you just use parameters with the Print method. <<
    They existed in V4 - I intended to implement it in V5 as well.


    How about controlling Page Range for the TWPPreviewDlg. Will this ALWAYS show all pages or is there a way to also control it to only display pages requested?

    This feature is not in WPTools version 5 (or 4).
