wpspell ignore case

  • I'im using wpspell 1.2 with italian dictionary.
    the option ignore case doesn't works. Every word with a capitalized char is misspelled.
    There is a way to force case insensitivity other then optionflag ?

    I also wonder that a so common word like 'di' (english "of") is not

  • After some investigation I discover that problem is in the snipped
    from function TWPDCT.InDictionary:
    is_capital := WPSpellIsUppercase(AWord[1], FHeader.codepage);
    if (FHeader.options and OPTION_HANDLECAPITAL) <> 0 then
    capital := is_capital;
    AWord := WPSpellLowercase(AWord, FHeader.codepage);
    // Only captital words can be Compound
    if not capital then
    SearchCompound := FALSE;
    end else capital := FALSE;

    in fact the clause FHeader.options and OPTION_HANDLECAPITAL will be never TRUE but I don't understand why.

    Any suggestion ?