InputMergeField Bug in Release 30.3

  • InputMergeField is not placed at the cursor position in this release. This bug is easily reproduced using the TextObjects demo as follows:

    Type a new line with the word 'Hello'. Place the cursor at the end of the land and press the 'Insert Merge Field' button. The merge field will be inserted between the l and o NOT at the end of the line - eg:


    I am sure this will be fixed with your usual speed

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I am not sure if this is new.

    In WPCtrMemo please modify this line

    if (spar <nil>= spar.CharCount) then sposinpar := spar.CharCount - 1;

    - comment out "-1"

    in function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputMergeField( ...
