How to save graphic and text?

  • Here is the procedure I wrote:

    procedure TForm.InsertPic(Sender: TObject);
    obj : TWPOImage;
    Resp : Integer;
    se : String;
    OpenDialog.Filter := 'Bitmap/Jpeg/Gif/Wmf|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.wmf';
    OpenDialog.FileName := '';
    If OpenDialog.Execute then
    se := Lowercase(ExtractFileExt(OpenDialog.FileName));
    if (se = '.bmp') or (se = '.jpg') or (se = '.gif') or (se = '.wmf') then
    obj := TWPOImage.Create(VolgaEd.Memo.RTFData);
    obj.StreamName := OpenDialog.Filename;
    obj.WriteRTFMode := wobBoth;

    The graphic appears at the cursor, but only the text is saved. What am I missing?

    BTW, essentially the same code worked nicely in WPTools3.


    • Offizieller Beitrag



    The graphic appears at the cursor, but only the text is saved. What am I missing?
    BTW, essentially the same code worked nicely in WPTools3.

    WPTools 5 can save bitmaps (also JPEG and PNG) using binary data. So the created data stream can contain \0 characters. Some databases interpret this as EOF and so the rest of the text is not loaded.

    To avoid binary data change the property WPRichText.WriteObjectMode = wobRTFNoBinary. But maybe you can also find the reason why the binary data is not supported and fix it (string handling, such as strlen?). Saving binary data reduces size and improves performance.


  • Frankly, I don't know how to implement your suggestion. Besides, I am beginning to wonder if I am looking in the right place.

    Is it possible that my file-saving code is the problem. I am using a line like this after the insertion:
    RichText1.SaveToFile(RTFFilename, false, 'RTF-alwaysembed');

    Again- this worked in early WPTools versions.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    >>Frankly, I don't know how to implement your suggestion. Besides, I am beginning to wonder if I am looking in the right place. <<

    I was talking about a property of the TWPRichText class. You can change that in the IDE.


    Is it possible that my file-saving code is the problem. I am using a line like this after the insertion:
    RichText1.SaveToFile(RTFFilename, false, 'RTF-alwaysembed');

    Again- this worked in early WPTools versions.

    Youre code is fine. You may mail me the created RTF file - I can probably than see whats missing or if the problem is the loading code.

    I would expect that the latter is the case.

    And, instead of your procedure TForm.InsertPic(Sender: TObject); you can use

    that is implemented in WPRich.PAS if you want to check it out as coding example.


  • Using "InsertGraphicDialog" certainly simplifies my code to:

    procedure TVolgaForm.InsertPicItemClick(Sender: TObject);var    InsWay : Boolean;    Resp : Integer;begin  Resp := MessageDialog('Insert graphic at cursor.',           mtConfirmation, [mbIgnore, mbAll], 0);       Case Resp of         mrAll : InsWay := false;         mrIgnore : InsWay := True;        end;   OpenDialog.Filter := 'Bitmap/Jpeg/Gif/Wmf|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.wmf';   RichText1.InsertGraphicDialog('', InsWay, []);end;

    But the graphic is still not saved, and this is the code I used:

    What am I missing?
