Text aligned at bottom of page

  • Does anybody know how to get text aligned to the bottom of the page?

    I want to create invoices with WPReporter, which creates a nice list of invoice items. The totals are placed below the last item, but should be at the bottom of the page. Since I do not know how large the list is that WPReporter creates, can't simply put in a number of empty lines.

    Is there an rtf tag that glues text to the bottom of the page?
    Does WPTools support that tag?


  • I don't think you can do this in RTF or at least I don't think you can do it in WPTools v4. You may be able to do it as a footer. The HeaderFooterTextRange has a wpraonlastpage property. Also, wpRichText's printer engine has options as to where you wish to print header's & footers:


    I'm not sure whether this overrides any other settings, but there is also a printerengine property called PrintHeaderFooter that has a number of options, using this you can specify on what pages (but not last) that you want to print headers & footers. You could try setting this as follows:


    However, don't know whether doing this will effectively override PrintHeaderFooterOnLastPage. You will need to experiment.

    Hope this helps.

