RTF document from version 2.35c doesn't display in WPTools5

  • The following RTF document that was saved in WPTools 2.35 does not display properly in WPTools5.

    Some of the table cells are not displayed properly when using the WordPad5 demo of WPTools5. If I open this RTF document using the WordPad demo of version 2.35 everything is displayed properly.

    Can you please tell me if there is a workaround to fix this.

    Here is the RTF document:




  • I am using the WordPad demo using the WPTools version 2.35 and the .RTF file gets displayed differently from the WordPad5 demo that uses WPTools 5.23.3.

    How can I send you a screen capture showing the difference ?

    I can also send you both executables and the actual .RTF document.


  • I have sent you an e-mail with a .zip attachment.

    Please take a look at my sample which displays properly in WPTools 2.35 but does not display properly in WPTools 5.

    In my e-mail, I have also included some screen capture.

    Michel W.

  • I have sent an e-mail to support@wptools.de on March 13, 2008 and I did not get an answer. So here is more information.

    Here is what the RTF document looks like in WPTools 2.35 using the WordPad demo:

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/1603/rtfdisplayedinwptools23sb5.jpg]

    Here is the same RTF document displayed in WPTools 5 using the WordPad5 demo (you will notice that there are no horizontal lines between CLINICAL HISTORY, PAST HISTORY, MEDICATIONS, ALLERGIES and REASON FOR REFERRAL):

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7929/rtfdisplayedinwptools5xw1.jpg]

    Can you please tell me how I can display the RTF document properly (just like WPTools 2) using WPTools 5, because my client has a many documents that were generated with WPTools 2 and I now want to display these documents properly in WPTools 5.

    Note: You can use the .RTF document from my previous post and save it as .RTF to do your own test.


  • Setting wpfKeepTablesInTextArea = True in FormatOptionsEx does not fix anything.

    Did you try it yourself with the supplied .RTF document (see first post and copy/save into a .RTF file)?

    Do you have another working solution ?


  • This does not fix my problem. I want my .RTF file to get displayed properly in WPTools 5 just like it was displayed in WPTools 2.

    To test this yourself, use the WordPad demo from WPTools2 and WPTools5.

    I have already sent you a .zip file containing both .exe files for these WordPad demo for WPTools 2 and 5. I have sent this e-mail to support@wptools.de on March 13, 2008.

    If there is no options or property changes that can make it displayed properly in WPTools5, do you have a small application that will fix the .RTF file and make it displayed properly in WPTools 5 ?


    Michel W.