rtf to html (again)

  • Maybe this is too elementary a question, but it's beyond my pea brain. Why isn't the following working?


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    If I understand that code correctly, you did not assign

    htmlMerged.TextSaveFormat := 'HTML';

    The direct way woulkd be of course to read the string from frmMergeEngine.rtfMerged. If you want to concatenate texs use

    htmlMerged.FastAppendText( frmMergeEngine.rtfMerged ).

    Saving as HTML and loading into htmlMerged does not permanently apply the text format (html) and is also not required for a conversion generally.

    Hope this helps,

  • Julian, thanks, setting TextSaveFormat := 'HTML' does the job.

    For the record, frankly, it never occurred to me that twprichtext.asstring would invoke a "save" method. That's why I had the code to save to a stream.
