Upgrade to wpPDF, wpTools5 to fix my html formatting issues?

  • Based on Julian's responses to my questions about formatting html to correctly show font size and page breaks, it sounds like I should consider using wpPDF to produce a pdf and send that to the web page. Would that produce a more faithful copy of my wptools document?

    Also, I've resisted upgrading to wpTools 5 because of existing documents that might need conversion. Scouring the forums here, I find one message that says there's no problem with formatting, but otherwise very little information on what needs to be done to upgrade documents. Is the internal document format the same in v5 as it was in v4? My memory from a couple of years ago is that there were basic differences.


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    Based on Julian's responses to my questions about formatting html to correctly show font size and page breaks, it sounds like I should consider using wpPDF to produce a pdf and send that to the web page. Would that produce a more faithful copy of my wptools document?

    Yes, you get a 100% matching display. But this is not a web page anymore. It is good for invoices for example but not for web contents.


    Also, I've resisted upgrading to wpTools 5 because of existing documents that might need conversion. Scouring the forums here, I find one message that says there's no problem with formatting, but otherwise very little information on what needs to be done to upgrade documents. Is the internal document format the same in v5 as it was in v4? My memory from a couple of years ago is that there were basic differences.

    WPTools 5 does NOT share much code with V4. Only the dialogs, toolbar and the ruler are the same. The RTF engine, reader and writer are entirely new so there are basic differences.

    The display would be very close to V4 since V4 already wrote good RTF code.

    You can download https://www.wpcubed.com/ftp/wp5demo.zip and check some of your documents.

    V4 is becoming more and more obsolte and V5 has a far easier to use programming interface.
