Some questions

  • I see that the DELETE key don't work in TWPRichText. This problem is for same setting wrong?

    Other question is how change name and text of an EditField dinamically in code?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    >>I see that the <b>DELETE key</b> don't work in TWPRichText. This problem is for same setting wrong?<<

    Please check if you have created an action or menu item which uses the delete key as short cut.

    >>Other question is how change name and text of an EditField dinamically in code? <<

    There is a set of procedures designed for that:

    <pre>function ReadFieldText(const fieldname: string): string;
    procedure GetFields(list: TStrings);
    function GetFieldName(tag: Integer): string;
    function GetPreviousFieldName(par: PTParagraph; lin: PTLine; pos: Integer): string;
    function CurrentEditField: string;
    // EditField Support
    function MoveToField(const fieldname: string; from_start: Boolean): Boolean;
    function MoveToNextField(from_start: Boolean): string;
    function MoveToPreviousField(from_end: Boolean): string;
    function DeleteFieldAtCP: Boolean;
    function SelectFieldAtCP: Boolean;</pre>

    Please note that the <i>tag</i> is CPChar^.Tag. Using this tag you can access the linked list WPRichText1.Memo.InsertPointList and change there the strings[tag] property.
