A new EXE demo ...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    For everybody who is interested:


    with this exe demo you can test
    - the advanced HTML loading capabilities
    - the RTF loading
    - the display modes:
    * pages side by side
    * multiple views on one text
    - new tabstop dialog with more features

    What you cannot see is the modern API which makes it easy to access each element of the text in a logical way. With this API can you simply code Paragraph.Insert(text). You may click right on the the text to see information about the attached style.

    The save procedures are not yet complete, neither is the editing code
    (cursor movement + selections, undo + redo)

    The dialogs have been ported from version 4 and have been slightly enhanced. Note how the paragraph dialog shows empty edit fields for undefined values. This is a big advantage if you work with styles.

    In contrast to other controls WPTools 5 tries to avoid the loss of information when you load HTML.

    Please note that WPTools 5 has been built as a word processor, working with virtual paper, although it has advanced HTML features it handle the text much different to an Internet browser. This is the reason it can support zooming, multi view and WYSIWG.

    WPTools 5.0 will be released on June 14th

    Julian Ziersch
    WPCubed GmbH

  • Hello,

    I downloaded the EXE and I noticed that the HTML import is a lot better than in version 4. Will it be possible to use wptools 5 as a HTML editor?
    With my current version I have the problem that the HTML code changes when I load a file and save it again.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    WPTools 5 uses a memory concept which is very similar to HTML - this makes it possible to preserve most of the original structure. In he beginning it will probably not preserve tags or CSS properties it does not know, but such a feature can be developed within the concept.

    It is already in the current implementation that the SPAN tag is preserved (and handled as "tag" in the text). Such a tag can also be made visible.

    If tags are displayed you can see the hyperlink, bookmark and span tags. If you delete the beginning, automatically the closing is deleted, too.

    BTW.: WPTools 5 comes with a new save format in addition to HTML and RTF - this is the 'WPT' format (for WPTools). This format is very close to HTML but is optimized for fast loading and saving, among other benefits.
    Since it is so close to HTML it can be parsed by simple HTML parser to get the text as ANSI, for example within an index run in a database.

    Kind Regards,

    Julian Ziersch