TWPLanguageControl v5.39 Problem Exception

  • i found 2 TWPLanguageControls in the project and delete all.
    then i drop one on an empty form and put this form in the project.
    this works, but when i open a form from the project with other wp Components the AV occurs again.
    after deinstallation DSU 2.87 the AV goes to the rtl100bpl.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    This is what the language control does:

    constructor TWPLanguageControl.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
    inherited Create(aOwner);
    AutoCreateClosedTags := TRUE;
    HTMLMode := FALSE;
    DontSaveEmptyTags := TRUE;
    FEntry := 'loc';

    There is really nothing what causes an AV. The control is attached through a COM interface (IWPLocalizationInterface) since V5. That is initialized at runtime, not inside the IDE.

    So the language control is not much different to the TWPXMLTree - which is based on.

    If/Since there is a problem with DevExpress - please create a data module. Place the TWPLanguageControl there and create that datamodule at the start of the application.
