how to add a TWPTextObj to a TParagraph

  • Hello all,
    I am very new to WPTOOLS. I am able to add an textbox to my document using the following code

    if DBWPRichTextSource.GetPageXYfromXY( x, y, pageNR, pageXTW, pageYTW, par ) then
    w := WPCentimeterToTwips( 5);
    h := WPCentimeterToTwips( 0.5);
    DBWPRichTextSource.TextCursor.MoveTo( par, 0, false );
    txtObj := DBWPRichTextSource.TextObjects.InsertTextBox( w, h, RTFdata );

    Now I am able to enter some text in this RTFDataBlock (RTFdata ) by

    RTFdata.RtfText.AsString := 'this is a simple string';

    But how can I create an inputEditField here (in the RTFData)

    Inserting such an inputEditField in a document works withhout a problem
    DBWPRichTextSource.InputEditField( 'Veld'+inttostr( n), 'Veld'+inttostr( n)+' display text',true, 'Veld'+inttostr( n)+' command', n );

    but how can I do that in such an RTFdata ?

    Ad Franse

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    when you activate the datablock You can use all cursor methods.

    To activate use

    WPRichText1.ActiveText := RTFdata;

    To update mergefields in all text blocks use

    MergeText(true) and the event OnMailMergeGetText
