integer overflow after text drag & drop

  • Hi,

    Sometimes, after dragging & dropping a portion of text (inside the same document), our users get an integer overflow error ('débordement d'entier').

    - select some text
    - press and hold down left mouse button
    - move the mouse to another place in the document
    - release mouse button
    => most of the time : OK, once in a while : error message

    Reproducing the problem is not quite easy, as it happens randomly, and only from time to time, so I cannot give any further details unfortunately.

    Thank you for any help...
    Attila Krüzsely

  • Hi,

    I cannot say, because we still use V 5.47.5 in our productive system (on which the users reported the issue) and did not yet update our application to 6.03.

    In fact I could repoduce the problem only on the productive system (V 5.47.5, Windows XP, over Citrix).
    No way to reproduce it on the development environments (D2006 + V5.47.5 / D2009 + V6.03, locally).

    - Would you recommend moving to 6.03 ?

    - Is there something I could do to prevent / trap the error ?

    - Could this issue somehow be related to the use of Citrix ?
