wpraNotOnFirstPage not working anymore

  • Hello,

    I wanted to report I'm having the same problem. I was using the demo version of WPTools and everything worked perfectly. I just installed the latest registered version and now the headers with wpraNotOnFirstPage or wpraNotOnLastPage are saved, but are not loaded back.

    If I add a header on all pages, all the other headers are loaded and saved without problems. For example, if I add a header with wpraNotOnFirstPage and then add a header on all pages, the headers will be loaded back. However, the header on all pages is now loaded first, overriding the one with wpraNotOnFirstPage.

    It seems there is a problem with the loading and saving of header and footer data. I'm using a WPRichText using AsANSIString('RTF-nobinary') to save the text to a BLOB (not MEMO) field.

    Any help would be enormously appreciated.

  • Correction...

    When adding Header on all pages, the header with wpraNotOnFirstPage is not loaded. Instead, a header with wpraFirstPageOnly is loaded and the text in the original header is gone.

    Definitely seems a bug in the loading of header and footer data.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I assume You mean "not on first and last page"?

    I made e test with this - that does load

  • Hi,

    No, I do mean 'not on first page' (wpraNotOnFirstPage).

    Our documents are stored in a database (saved as a compressed stream). Most of them have a header 'not on first page'.
    I confirme that they load fine (whith the header 'not on first page') in V 5.47, but not in V 6.03 (the header 'not on first page' does not show at all).

    I saved a document with V 5.47 in .RTF and in .WPT formats.

    When I try to load the .WPT file into V 6.03, it works fine (I see the header).

    When I try to load the .RTF file into V 6.03, it does not work (I don't see the header).

    I'll send you the two files by mail.

    Attila Krüzsely

  • Hello,

    I applied the change... Now the wpraNotOnLastPage and wpraNotOnFirstPage ranges work fine and they are read back without problems. Thanks!

    However, if you add a "Header not on first page" and also add a "Footer all Pages", the footer is read back as "Footer all pages" with the original footer, and another one as "Footer first page only" that is empty, therefore not showing the footer in the first page.


  • Hi,

    Has then issue been reproduced? I would like to get a response on this as this is the only thing that is keeping me from releasing a production version to the customer. Everything else works beautifully and everything I wanted to do I was able to do it using the flexibility provided WPTools. I'm very happy with the product. I just need this only issue I found to be fixed and I will be 100% satisfied with the purchase!

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


  • Hi Arturo,

    I installed V 6.03.3 (11.05.2009) which fixes my problem.

    I tried to reproduce your issue (adding a header 'not on first page' and a footer 'all pages'), and the document reads back OK (I do not get an extra footer 'first page only').


  • Hi, Attila,

    Thanks so much for the reply.

    I just installed v6.03.3 and the problem persists. I deleted the header and footer, created them again, saved and reopened the file, and the extra footer was added.

    I've sent a test file to support by email. I've also uploaded it to:

    If you could give this file a try, I would really appreciate it. This is to figure out if the problem is on my side or if it is a bug in WPTools 6.03. If you open the file, a Footer on First Page Only will appear. In my setup, If I delete this footer, save the file and re-open it, the extra footer is created again.

    Thanks again.


  • Hi Arturo,

    I think your problem has something to do with the conversion of your document from WPTools format into RTF and back...

    I opened your document and saw :
    - a header not on first page
    - a footer on all pages
    - a footer first page only

    I deleted the footer 'first page only'.

    1) if I save the document to disk as a RTF file, and load it back again, the footer first page only REAPPEARS !

    2) if I save the document to a database (as a stream) and load it back again, I DO NOT have the extra footer !!

    3) if I save the document to disk as a WPT file and load it back again, I DO NOT have the extra footer !!

    So the extra footer appears ONLY when saving to RTF format...

    I hope this helps...

  • Hi, Attila,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to take a look at this. You are right: I was using WPRichText.AsANSIString('RTF-nobinary') and WPRichText.AsString to save/load the contents of the WPRichText to the database. I switched to streams and the problem with the extra footer is gone!

    Thanks again for helping me solve this problem. I really, really appreciate it!

    Best regards,
