Some questions about images

  • 1. How can I set the wrap and positionmode of an image that is pasted from the cliboard? I tried

    procedure TChildForm.EditorBeforePasteImage(Sender: TObject;
    RTFData: TWPRTFDataCollection; var TxtObj: TWPObject);
    TWPTextObj(txtobj).Wrap := wpwrAutomatic;
    TWPTextObj(txtobj).PositionMode := wpotPar;

    but that doesn't seem to work.

    2. When I copy an image with a hyperlink from the web, both the image and the link is pasted. How can I avoid pasting the link?

    3. When I try to resize an image with an embedded hyperlink, the link is activated when the resizing is finished. Is it possible to avoid that?

    4. Is it possible to position an image so that there is no text on the sides, just above and below?

  • You are right. When I tested if the event occurred, I used an image containing a hyperlink. But my original question remains: Why doesn't the code work? The image is still pasted as a character. Similar code works when loading the image from a file.

    Do you have suggestions for my other problems?