• I installed version 6.04 into Delphi 2007.

    Now ALL of my merges are broken.

    here is a partial trace :

    main thread ($c40):
    004bb3dc +008 AMSTAT.exe Controls TControl.SetAlign
    007ba574 +0c4 AMSTAT.exe WPPrvFrm 585 +11 TWPPreviewForm.FormCreate
    004d455d +031 AMSTAT.exe Forms TCustomForm.DoCreate
    00744b4d +005 AMSTAT.exe WPUtil 2086 +1 TWPLocalizeForm.DoCreate
    004d413c +124 AMSTAT.exe Forms TCustomForm.Create
    0074483f +063 AMSTAT.exe WPUtil 1663 +14 TWPShadedForm.Create
    007b992e +02e AMSTAT.exe WPPrvFrm 278 +5 TWPPreviewDlg.Execute

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    in my e-mail I asked for a scaled down example project.

    This report does not help at all to find anything which is problematic in Your project.

    Since Your project formerly used WPTools Version 4 I assume that somewhere in an event somethjing is done which is not supported by the new engine. (We had the case with the SetPageBrak which should be done differently)

    I changed something in the preview form (due to your notice with the combo) - it is possible that this introduces a problem. But I do not believe so, it was not much more than moving 2 lines of code.


  • I can't really build a scaled down project if my project won't even run any more. The problem with the program crashing on the showing of the print preview is NEW to 6.04. it wasn't doing that before.

    I can and will send you a scaled down project, when I can build and run one. But this preview bug is NEW to 6.04 and I can't do much of anything until I get that resolved. Once I can actually get the preview form to SHOW, then I will build a scaled down app to help fix WHAT gets shown.

  • I was able to get the preview window working again, and my project now at least runs again. So I will try to put together a good demo to get to you so you can see what happens when i do an actual merge.