HTTP access dll ( wphttpget.dll ) / loading web images

  • Hi Julian,

    In the TextDynamic-help file wphttpget.dll is mentioned, altough it isn't delivered with the TextDynamic-Setup.
    "You can use TextCommandStr(6,"..") to enable the provided HTTP DLL to load linked images."
    That's the functionally i am looking for.

    I was able to get the .DLL via wRTF2PDF. but how about licensing?
    Does a TextDynamic-License allow full access for the dll?

    The help says "pass the DLL activation key as string parameter"
    like this i guess:
    "wpdllInt1.Memo.TextCommandStr(6, 1, "activation key");"

    if i pass my TextDynamic-License-Key, it displays at loading
    "TextDynamic DEMO is loading: http://.....
    i guess the wphttpget.dll doesn't accept my license then?

    I can't find no information about this .dll in the forums and not much online, can you provide me with some info please.

    So what i want to know is:
    1. How about licensing/pricing?
    2. Does the demo-wphttpget.dll differ from the real deal - because loading seems kinda slow
    3. is there another way to load images from the web into the TextDynamic-Control

    Furthermore a little of topic:
    4. Does TextDynamic execute JScript-, or JavaScript-Code?

    thanks in advance

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    thanks for Your question.
    This feature was forgotten among all the goodies -

    The HTTP DLL can be licensed

    €42 for Single License[300326575]=1

    €105 for Site / Team License[300326576]=1

    The registered version uses multithreading inside of TextDynamic Editor. Inside of TextDynamic Server only one thread is used.
    The demo DLL is much larger and shows a progress window.

    Kind Regards,
    Julian Ziersch

  • Thanks alot.
    How about the JScript, Java-Script. I guess it doesn't execute those, does it?
    It's because I am building a mail client, and for security reasons i have to know that it explicity doesn't execute those scripts.

    Kind regards