Merging text: formatting is lost on empty lines

  • Hi,

    I have the problem that whenever I do a merge for a document that uses more than one font or more than one font size, (most) empty lines in the document are being reformatted to use a different font or a different font size.
    Has anyone else had the same issues..?

    Version is WPTools V 6.04

  • We are using TWPSuperMerge.

    wpmerge : TWPSuperMerge;
    wpt, wps : TWPRichTextEdit;

    wps has been loaded before via wps.LoadFromStream(source)

    Our current workaround is not to pass the original stream but to make a copy of it and to make sure that every line in this copy at least contains a blank (<space>) in it. Then the formatting is retained.