SuperMerge and RTF: Empty lines are missing

  • I want to do a mailmerge using SuperMerge. The resulting text consists of three lines, the first and the last being empty.

    When I merge with RTF data the empty lines are being lost. The straight text version works, but of course lacks the formatting.

    Here's some code from my SuperMailMergeGetText which I used when trying to pinpoint the problem.

    if isRTF then begin
        Contents.Options := [mmDeleteThisField, mmMergeAsRTF];      // no empty lines in document
        Contents.StringValue := '{\rtf1 \par b\par }'
        Contents.Options := [mmDeleteThisField];
        Contents.StringValue := #10#13 + 'b' + #10#13;               // empty lines in document

    I have got the feeling that I just lack a simple flag that needs to be set in order to get the empty lines with RTF as well...

  • Is it possible to implement this in upcoming versions, maybe with another flag in Contents.Options?

    Adding a space has shown sideeffects when a user has underlined the text; suddenly one underline appears in a so-far empty line. (would have to check for that everytime...)