Change Fontsize in a Paragraph

  • Hi I am just struggling with another problem. I merely want to change the font size of a paragraph. But whatever I do it wont work. I use the following code:

    //Fontstyle of title row -> this works
          TitleFontStyle := RPTable.RTFGetTitleFontStyle;
          if TitleFontStyle > 0 then
            if IsTitle then CurRow.ASetCharStyle(true, TitleFontStyle) else CurRow.ASetDelCharStyle(TitleFontStyle);
          //Fontsize of title row -> this don't work
          if RPTable.TitleFontSize >= 0 then
            CurRow.ASet(WPAT_CharFontSize, Round(RPTable.TitleFontSize*100));

    Any idea what I do wrong?