Question about Chinese and Arabic

  • Hello Julian,

    I send the you an email back on Monday January the 11th stating


    We are looking at releasing support for Chinese and Arabic in our application by June of this year, can you please let me know how well WPT supports these two languages, what is not supported and what are some things we should be aware of working with these languages in WPT.

    I have a meeting with the president of our company tomorrow concerning this and have yet to receive a reply.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Arabic is only supported if not mixed with LTR text. Esspecially the kind of embedded images You use will be difficult.

    Simplified Chinese (using 2 byte unicode) should work as usual, but only LTR display, not vertical.


  • Hello Julian,

    I know you said using Simplified Chinese (using 2 byte Unicode) should work as usual, but what about traditional Chinese? Apparently we have a requirement to be able to produce both Simplified and Traditional.