Merge fields in header or footer

  • Delphi 6, WPTools 6.08
    I currently have mail merge functionality working correctly throughout my documents, with one exception.
    If I place a merge field in either a header or a footer, variable substitution is not occuring. Instead, the variable name remains.
    For instance, if I take the variable <<Account>> and place it in my document's body, the code in the OnMailMergeGetText event properly replaces this with valid database values, such as A00561289.

    However, if I place the same merge variable in my header or footer, the code in the OnMailMergeGetText event turns <<Account>> into Account.

    Is there something special I need to do for merge variables to be "seen" correctly by the MailMergeGetText event when the variable resides in a header/footer?

  • Worked perfect, thanks!

    As it turns out, I was using MergeActiveText. I completely forgot about the header, footer, and document body being considered different data blocks and that only one would be active. Thus I had accidentally been telling WPTools to skip the header and footer all along!