Speller is not finding all words in Dictionary

  • The compiled spell checker is not finding all of the words that I have included in the dictionary. It seems to be inconsistent as to which words that it has problems with. To illustrate this you can use the following files with your own spellchecker.

    <Files removed>

    For example, when I do a spell check it will tell me that the following words are misspelled: OrgName, SalutationFirst, ItemBlockPaid, and ItemTotalPaid.

    When I ran the compiler I used the following options:
    I unclicked all of the Option boxes
    custom flags = 0
    maxlength of words: 50
    Language ID: 9
    Name: <left blank>
    CodePage: 1252 (default)

    Julian: Can you help me to fix this problem?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Brandon (2. Februar 2010 um 02:54)

  • Zitat von wpsupport

    This is pretty difficult to debug, I am sorry. I am working on an update to do it.

    I found a work around. I took all of my custom words and then added them to a custom user dictionary. I then set the installer to load the dictionary using CommandEx 9500 8 <user dictionary path>.

    I am not 100%, but it is possible that this problem was caused by words with trailing spaces. I don't see any spaces in my source word list, but spaces may have been introduced by the compiler.

    New Issue: When I run spellcheck and there are no misspelled words, a dialog box pops that says:

    SpellCheck Complete
    Retry Cancel

    This should be an OK button, not the Retry & Cancel buttons. How can I fix this?

  • Zitat von wpsupport

    Spellcheck starts from the cursor position - so in all cases except the case that it starts from the beginning the question makes sense.

    I apologize, but your response does not make any sense. Why would it display this message if I was starting the spellcheck from the beginning?

    I am running the spellcheck from the toolbar. Clicking the button runs the following code:
    memo.TextCommand 7, 0, 0

    However, if I remove the GotoStart command, it still produces the same pop-up box (with Retry Cancel). How can I get this pop up box to appear correctly?