Having challenges getting started (sample app)

  • I downloaded the demo from your website but couldn't find any dlls. I looked for a trial version but if there is one, it is not obvious. I finally found one.

    I downloaded it, installed it, and started to check out the VB.Net 2.0 sample app. When I run it and launch a new document window, I get the error:

    TextDynamic 1.35.....
    Cannot load DLL 'c:\Program Files (x86)\TextDynamic\Redis\WPTextDLL01_demo.DLL'

    Use SetEditorMode()..... Use SetDLLName to update path.

    I've tried the obvious solutions like uncommenting:

    I've tried changing it to:
    WPDynamic.WPDLLInt.SetDLLName("c:\Program Files (x86)\TextDynamic\Redis\WPTextDLL01_demo.DLL")

    I've tried putting this line before and after InitializeComponents on the Form_Load event.

    WPTextDLL01_demo.DLL does exist at the location specified but still, I get this error.

    After reading some posts on this forum, I tried simply added a reference to the DLL but that failed (not a .Net DLL?).

    How can I get the sample app to run? It's hard to buy a component when you have no idea if it will do what you want or not.

  • I've had similar problems, and the solution is a little hard to find, but here it is: in your project properties set the Target CPU to "x86" (VS 2008: Compile->Advanced Compile Options->Target CPU).

    Also, include this line when initialising to ensure the default buttons display:

    Me.WpdllInt.SetLayout("{dll}\\buttons.pcc", "").

    And one more thing: make sure "Copy Local" is set to True in your project reference "WPTDynInt3" properties.

    It should work just fine now.

    FWIW, I've given up on this in the past for various reasons, but I've decided to finally buy because it's the best all-round visual editor out there for the price, IMO, and I've tried them all.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    thanks for the post. The hint with the x86 is correct. It is also good to simply copy the engine DLL tothe \bin directory.

    The demo can be downloaded from this page:

    The direct link to the download is

    That is always the newest build which is available..

    Kind Regards,