Mailmerge into a table, right aligned multi-line replacement

  • When doing mailmerge into a table, I can't seem to get right-align to work with multi-line replacement values:

    for instance:

    if inspname = 'FROM' then
    Contents.StringValue := 'Harry Potter'+chr(10)+
    '1234 Wizardly Street'+chr(10)+
    'Hogworts, ON, Canada';

    When the merge field 'FROM' is right-aligned and is inside of a table cell, the lines are not lined up and appear quite ragged.

    (WpTools 6.12.1)

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    this problem was solved in WPTools 6.13


    23.7.2010 - WPTools 6.13
    * several improvements of editor
    * improvement to RTF writer to when writing table cells
    * improved right aligned text
    * fixed problem with line heights of lines which are empty except for new line character