saving resize info for linked image

  • I am wanting to use linked images in my documents, as they are templates that other data is later merged into. I can insert a linked image, resize and reposition, and everything looks correct.

    Then I save the document into my database, using rtf formatting to save the document. When I pull that document back out of the database, to view it again, or to merge other info into the document, the linked image has "reverted" back to its original size and position.

    Am I missing a setting somewhere, as how do I get the document to "remember" the resizing and repositioning info?


  • I added some code to save the rtf to a text file. This is what I found in the file

    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\\\lease3\\\\data\\\\cropped white background.jpg" MERGEFORMAT \\d \\w2786 \\h2409 \\pm1 \\px8177 \\py17 \\pw0}}}\par

    the inserted image is 1279x1106 pixels, 300 pixels per inch....

  • still think I am missing something.

    If I resize the image, and save, this is what is in the rtf

    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\\\lease3\\\\data\\\\cropped white background.jpg" MERGEFORMAT \\d \\w2414 \\h2088 \\pm1 \\px8074 \\py72 \\pw0}}}\par

    But if a reload the document (with image back to original size) and immediately resave, this is what is in the rtf

    \pard\plain\plain\f1\fs20\cf0{\*\wppicname{C:\\\\lease3\\\\data\\\\cropped white background.jpg}}{\*\wppicsource{C:\\lease3\\data\\cropped white background.jpg}}
    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\\\lease3\\\\data\\\\cropped white background.jpg" MERGEFORMAT \\d \\w10224 \\h8841 \\pm1 \\px8074 \\py72 \\pw0}}}\par

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I created a very simple example to test this. This is the code. It just have 2 buttons, a TWPRichText and a Memo.

    Maybe you can add your code whiuch creates the image since this is probably what makes the difference.
