Empty lines after header in saved report

  • Hello,

    I am using the following report template:

    <... image removed ...>

    After creating the report with TWPSuperMerge I am getting a proper document.
    <... image removed ...>

    I am saving it and open again in editor. But the document is different.
    <... image removed ...>

    As you can notice there are empty lines between header and the actual text.

    What is wrong? How can I fix it?

    Thanks in advance
    Vitaly Gamarnik

  • Hi,

    thanks for the post and sorry that the images had to be removed.

    Please check if in unit WPReader.PAS the define WORDHEADER is switched on. A header is usually closed with a paragraph break - this can cause the additional line.


  • Hi,

    The define WORDHEADER in unit WPReader.PAS is switched on but the problem exists. (when I switch it off I really get one more line).

    Any suggestion?

    BTW. Is there any policy to not place images?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I can only recommend to check the headers if they have an additional line. It is also ppssible to modify the report on the fly and remove the last line - if it is empty - after loading.

    (WordOnText := wpheader, CPPositiion := MaxInt, if CPPar='' then DeleteParagraph

    BTW. Is there any policy to not place images?
    Images are ok if they are on this server. This makes sense for FAQ and articles and if you have one, please send them to me and I upload them.
    Please do not post links to other servers.

    Julian Ziersch

  • Thanks Julian,

    It solves the problem of the first empty line. But I have 2 empty lines were added when saving. Is there any way to remove second empty line? The code you mentioned doesn't work for it no matter how many times I call it. :-(