entering tab in protected text

  • i have protected text and i cannot enter text, as i wish.
    but i can enter a tab at the beginning of the line. the line before is also protected. i happens only pos 0 of line. thx

  • Another couple of things I'd like inject...

    - Not being able to delete protected text by backspacing is correct, but being able to highlight some protected text and hitting the DEL key should not delete protected text but does.

    - If you have several lines of protected text, you can insert blank lines between them, or backspace to delete line breaks. I think inserting new line breaks should only be possible (1) at the beginning of a paragraph if the previous paragraph was not protected or there is no previous paragraph; or (2) at the end of a paragraph if it is the last paragraph or the next paragraph is not protected.

    - You apparently can enter text at position 0 of a protected paragraph (as ske pointed out) only if the previous protected paragraph is empty (if it is a non-empty protected paragraph, it won't allow text to be entered).

    Some of the ProtectedProp settings:
    ppInsertBetweenProtectedPar = false;
    ppNoEditBeforeProtection = false;
    ppNoEditAfterProtection = false;
    ppAllowEditAtTextEnd = false;

    Sorry, just relaying complaints by my customers who want to protect text from being changed at all, primarily because these are templates the main office creates that their employees will be adding to in the field. Being able to delete protected text is a rather serious issue to them.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    thanks for your suggestion.

    For issue #1 set ppProtectSelectedTextToo as well.

    There is already preparation for protection objects, similar to hyperlinks. They will be added to WPTools 6 when there is time.

    Only with such objects it is possible to have consistent protection which also takes care for empty paragraphs.

    Please note that it is possible to completely lock paragraphs (also empty ones) using WPAT_ParProtected.
