indenting part of a merged field

  • In my mailMergeGetText method, I want to set the content.string for one replacement var to a small block of text containing 2 parts. The first part is easy -- just a sentence. The 2nd part is a paragraph, indented a bit.

    for example

    Please send the information to
                      Whatsit called
                      123 Main Street
                      Munich, Oregon 00920

    Can you suggest a way to do this?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    You can create some RTF code on the fly:

    Contents.StringValue := '{\rtf1{Please send the information to \par\li1440 ' +
         'Whatsit called\line ' +
         '123 Main Street\line ' +
         'Munich, Oregon 00920}}';

    \li1440 is the indent left. A space must follow after the RTF tags unless there is another special character: \ or { and }.