Spell check on the fly

  • Hi;

    Please, what is the TWPRichText event to be used for marking words whit the red waves. Is there an example for doinw or own spell check on the fly method?.

    OnSpellCheckWord is not published in the TWPRichView class.

    Thank you.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The procedure must be implemented like this:

    TSpellCheckWordEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;
    var word: WideString;
    var resultvalue: TSpellCheckResult;
    var hyphen_pos: TSpellCheckHyphen;
    par: TParagraph;
    posinpar: Integer
    ) of object;

    resultvalue can be

    spIgnored, spMisSpelled, spHyphenate, spReplaceWord

    It used by product WPSpell and Addict Spell.