WPLanguageControl - hints not appearing

  • I have noticed that with WPLanguageControl that it sometimes provides only a caption and not a hint property for toolbuttons. The toolbuttons do not have a TAction assigned to them and they are TToolButtons.

    Any ideas?



  • Zitat von MARK WILLIAMS

    I have noticed that with WPLanguageControl that it sometimes provides only a caption and not a hint property for toolbuttons. The toolbuttons do not have a TAction assigned to them and they are TToolButtons.

    Any ideas?



    Hi Mark,

    Did you check the XML Data assigned to the TWPLanguageControl? Open it, and check if the refered action has an hint.. maybe it may be missing. Also, check if you have TWPLanguageControl.Active and TWPLanguageControl.AutoLoadStrings as TRUE (both).

    In version 4.09c, even with both properties as TRUE, some objects were missing, so you should call TWPLanguageControl.LoadVCLStrings on code.
