Format as webpage + line spacing

  • Another issue when using FormatAsWebPage
    (see also topic:

    The formatting routine does not apply linespacing anymore.

    I've fixed this with the following code (near the end of TParagraph.Reformat):

    function TParagraph.Reformat(Always: Boolean = FALSE; MaxW: Integer = 0; Options: Integer = 0): Integer;
        {$IFDEF OBEC}
        if AGet(WPAT_SpaceBefore, spacing) then
          inc(iHeight, MulDiv(spacing, res, 1440));
        if AGet(WPAT_SpaceAfter, spacing) then
          inc(iHeight, MulDiv(spacing, res, 1440));
        Lines[lmax].Height := iHeight;

    Now this is becoming pretty annoying. The formatting might be much better for HTML but on functionality it is still trailing far behind compared to the default formatting.
    I can accept that, but as a customer i would like to know what i'm getting into when i turn a feature on in WpTools. I'm now looking at a new bug report every 1 or 2 weeks.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The AsWebpage formatting is entirely different than the regular one.

    WPTools is mainly designed for the document formating - AsWebpage does not handle movable images, footnotes, columns.
    It was mainly created to display certain newsletter better which use a lot of tables.

  • And it does that very well, but because it works so well i also can not go back anymore and that means it still needs a lot of work.

    If there was a way to combine the advantages of both formatting routines that would be a very powerful product. Regarding HTML the strength of wptools lies in it being an editor and not just a viewer.