WPTools 6.25 - HighLightTextColor not working

  • Hi, I am not able to change HighLightTextColor. If you change the HighLightTextColor then the selected text is not visible at all. The selection is incorrectly painted. Can you look at this, please? Thanks.

  • Hi,

    We are using v6.25. I beleive that this is the latest version.

    I created demo app, which shows you our problem. You can download the compiled demo app including source from http://www.dosli.cz/soubory/ruzne/WPToolsBug.zip. I am running this demo on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. The problem is that after changing the HighlightTextColor property, the selection of the text is not visible. I am selecting the text with mouse.

  • Hi,

    I had the same problem with selection of the text becoming invisible after changing HighlightTextColor. Also, selection of cell, row, column or table also became invisible.

    After unchecking wpDontExtendSelectionToRightMargin in ViewOptionsEx, all went back to normal again.

    I am using wp 6.25.4, on WinXP.