JPG into a PDF Document

  • I am using WPViewPDF3Plus on D2007.
    Trying to add jpg images to a PDF document not having any success.
    I need to add them by code which also places them on the page in some sort of order.

    The below code (which I found in here) locks delphi, I hope I have not missed something can anyone assist please and maybe point out my error.

    GetJPGSize(Lst[I], wWidth, wHeight);
    JP := pdfView.CommandStr( COMPDF_ADDJPEG, Lst[I] );
    if JP >= 0 then
    FillChar(r, SizeOf(TPDFPrintImageRec), 0);
    r.ImageID := i;
    r.PageNo := 0;
    r.x := 100;
    r.y := 100;
    r.w := wWidth;
    r.h := wHeight;
    r.PosMode := 256;
    pdfView.CommandEx(COMPDF_IMAGEPRINT, Cardinal(@r) );
    The form partly paints.

    I am trying to merge PDF's and JPG's into a PDF Document.
