Changing font with WPToolbar is not updating HTML output

  • Hi

    I'm using a TWPRichText with a TWPToolbar on a form.

    I type in a text, for instance 'Hello world' in the WPRichedit using a font and saves the string in a file as HTML using Delphi's Indy component:

    var  AStringStream: TStringStream;//Connect to FTPAStringStream := TStringStream.Create((GetHTMLFromEditor);WPRichText1.AsANSIString('HTML-usecr,-onlybody'));IdFTP1.Put(AStringStream, Filename);//Disconnect

    The content of the file looks like this:

    <div> <span style="font-family:''Arial Narrow'';font-size:12.00pt;">Hello world</div>

    Then I reload the file into the WPRichEdit:

    I then select the text 'Hello world' and using the WPToolbar to change the font, but this has no effect on the HTML output, if I try to save the text with the changed font as described above.

    Do I miss some options, or what is wrong?

    Best regards

    Kaare Christensen
    AK Techotel