PreviewDlg - buttons show when mouse over, but no icons

  • In delphi XE, i'm previewing a merged document. on the top bar I see the listbox to choose display size - Page Height, etc. But the print dialog buttons are not visible unless I mouse over them, and then they just show raised squares. They do function though -- I click, and I get a printer setup dialog, for example.

    I vaguely recall a problem like this from the past, but can't find anything that solves it. Any hints?

  • Zitat

    I vaguely recall a problem like this from the past, but can't find anything that solves it

    Ok, January 2012 I asked the same question. Looks like an issue in a dfm. Must have applied the fix to my D7 but not to my XE.

  • Yee Haw!! I compare the D2011 dfm with the D7 one and found imagelist2 was missing in the former. copied it into the dfm (reckless of me, I know), recompiled, and now I have glyphs. Hallaleuja.