Remove <Edit Style...> in TWPComboBox

  • Hi!

    When using TWPComboBox to show the styles (cbsStyleNames) there also are some options like <default>, <Edit Style...> and <New Style...>. How do I do to only show the styles and not these special options?


  • It looks like it's impossible to remove these special items:

    In file WPPanel.pas on line 821-822:

    ItemIndex := FRtfEdit.Memo.RTFData.RTFProps.ParStyles.GetStringList(
        Items, true, FRTFEdit.ActiveStyleName);

    The second parameter indicates that <New Style> should be added to the combobox. This parameter is hardcoded to true. How about a property in TWPComboBox to turn off this feature?


  • Zitat von wpsupport

    I added a prop for this, thanks for the suggestion

    Thanks, that would be great.

    We also use the TBX toolbar in another project and here the special items also are added. I have found this in WPAction.pas on line 541:

    FControl.Memo.RTFData.RTFProps.ParStyles.GetStringList(TTBXComboBoxItem(FAttachedControl).Strings, true);

    Is it possible to put a property here also?
