ACE Report

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wPDF also works with ACE Reporter(tm) by SCT Associates, Inc.,


You need to add the unit AceWPDF to your project.


In your application simply execute PDFPrinter.Attach to attach a 'Create PDF' button to the global preview dialog .


Use PDFPrinter.Detach to remove it.


You can also create a PDF file from a TACEFile object using


  PDFPrinter.MakePDF(af: TAceFile ; PDFFileName: String);


You don't need to care about creation and destrcution of PDFPrinter!


In case you want to create a PDF file which consists of multiple reports attach a TWPPDFPrinter to the property PDFPrinter.PDFPrinter and execute the TWPPDFPrinter.BeginDoc/EndDoc procedures.