procedure DrawTextField

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Using the method DrawTextField you can create a editable field on the PDF page.




Text : String; - the default text


R : TRect - the rectangle in canvas coordinates


FieldName : String = '' - the name of this field


Hint : string = '' - a hint


FontSize : Integer = 0 - the font size for the editable text, 0 for default


Options : TWPEditControl - Possible Values are


wpecAutosizeFont - adjust the text height to avoid the text to scroll (default value)

wpecAlignRight - align text to right (not supported in a combo box)

wpecAlignCenter - align to center  (not supported in a combo box)

wpecDrawBorder - draw a border around the field

wpecMultiLine - allow multiline input

wpecIsCombobox - create a combo box


Font : TWPEditControlFont


BGColor : TColor - this, unless clNone is the background color for the field


Items : String - this is a comma separated list with items for the combobox. The value is ignored if Options is not [wpecIsCombobox]



Select a font:

Values: wpecHelvetica (default) , wpecTimes, wpecCourier and wpecZapfDingbats



