Text Rendering

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property Modes


If flag wpExactTextPositioning is used the characters will be placed at the same positions as they were in the input metafile. Usually this is not desirable since the PDF reader is able to render in a higher quality if it may use its intern logic to calculate the character spacing.


If flag wpNoTextRectClipping is not used text pained with TextRect will be not clipped to the bounding box.


Property FontMode

Using this property you can decide weather TrueType fonts should be embedded in the PDF file or not. If fonts were not embedded in the PDF file text can be displayed wrongly if the used fonts are not installed on the PC of the reader of the PDF file. On the other hand embedded fonts causes the PDF files to be much larger. The size of the usual font file is 150KB! The embedding also slows the creation process down.


You can set wpOnEmbedFonts in property ExtraMessages to get a message (event OnError) once font data is embedded.


wpUseTrueTypeFonts : use true type fonts but does not embed the font data.


wpEmbedTrueTypeFonts : embed data of all used fonts. (You can still use ExcludedFonts to specify certain standard fonts)


wpEmbedSymbolTrueTypeFonts : embed only symbol true type fonts. (such as WingDings, etc.)


wpUseBase14Type1Fonts : Do not use true type. When this mode is selected you can only use Arial, Courier New and Times New Roman fonts.


Subset Embedding: From wPDF version 2 it is now possible to reduce the size of the embedded data by removing the description for unused characters.


There are 2 options which do this for you:


wpEmbedSubsetTrueType_Charsets will embed all the characters which are used in the codepage you selected.


wpEmbedSubsetTrueType_UsedChar includes only those characters which have been used and so produces the smallest files.



Property ExcludedFonts

You may specify the font's in this stringlist which you expect to be installed on system the PDF will be viewed. Even if you use FontMode=EmbedTrueType fonts which are in this list will not be embedded. Please note that symbol fonts should be embedded since they can't be substituted.


Property ExtraMessages

Switches on/off additional messages:

wpOnEmbedFonts : Create a message when font-data is embedded.

Messages are provided in the OnError event.


Property HeaderFooterColor

Note: Only applies to TWPDFExport for WPTools export

If this property is not clNone the headers and footers will be drawn in this color. You can select clGray to draw headers and footers in the same way as they are displayed in the layout view of WPTools.


Property: PreselectedCJK

This is the charset for text written using CYK unicodes. It can be Japanese, Chinese or Korean. This property is only used for text which was not written using a specific charset.